Camilo Bolaños

Vice President of Development & Real Estate, Latin America & The Caribbean, Hyatt Hotels Corporation

Camilo Bolaños is Vice President of Development & Real Estate for Hyatt HotelsCorporation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Mr. Bolaños is currently in charge of development and strategic business planning in Latin America for Hyatt with a specific emphasis in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Andean region in South America. He is focused in not only refining, but also spearheading the development strategies for these markets and structuring deals that bring together local needs and opportunities while successfully satisfying Hyatt’s mid-to long-term business model.

In his role, Mr. Bolaños is also responsible in utilizing and leveraging Hyatt’s strong balance sheet through key asset acquisitions and the establishment of joint venture partnerships.

Mr. Bolaños is a 20-year industry veteran having held senior level positions at leading companies such as Real Hotels and Resorts, Avianca Airlines and Carlson Restaurants Worldwide.


Camilo Bolaños es el Vicepresidente de Desarrollo y Bienes Raíces de Hyatt Hotels Corporation para Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

Actualmente está a cargo del desarrollo y planeación estratégica de negocios en América Latina y es parte del grupo de liderazgo que ha posicionado a Hyatt como una de las principales compañías hoteleras de mayor crecimiento en la región, con especial énfasis en México, América Central, el Caribe y la región Andina en Sudamérica.

El Sr. Bolaños es un veterano de más de 20 años en la industria y ha servido en posiciones de alto nivel en algunas de las compañías más reconocidas de la región incluyendo a Real Hotels & Resorts, Avianca Airlines y Carlson Restaurants Worldwide.