Philippe Trapp

With 35 years of experience in the hospitality industry, he currently holds the position of COO Luxuxy Americas in one of the largest global hotel chains; With high energy and strategic leadership, Philippe is a global citizen who combines future vision with corporate pragmatism and deep multicultural hospitality experience to drive organizations around the world to new levels of efficiency and quality in a sustained profitability model.

Responsible for several openings in diverse segments; Led over 30 renovation projects and was a leading member of the Accor South America Renovation and Project Committee.

He played an important leadership and board role managing and developing hotel units in three different continents.

With his pro-activity, he leveraged global knowledge and cultural sensitivity to "think global and act local", promoting high involvement environments for all stakeholders while setting competitive performance and growth targets, achieving exceptional results.

A graduate of Electro technical ing in France, Philippe speaks 6 languages and is engaged in Accor's key diversity and ESG projects. with excellent communication skills, he accumulates positive results with team management and investor relations.

CCO Luxury Americas, Accor